INFORMING CONTEXTS PHO702 17/18 Part-Time Study Block S2

In this module I continued my work on Culture Crossroads. Unlike module 2, here I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to do but still struggled with coherence and mainly getting a clear and coherent message across with all images I create. Since I usually take lots of images and then sort out the converging ones, it took a lot of strolls and architecture shots to make my Work in Progress Portfolio look more refined and thought-over. 


This module, the assignments (graded and ungraded) were more so, naturally, all are included in the list, regardless if they have been graded or not.

  • Critical Review of Practice - written format
the fourth one is this blog


In this module, I concentrated mainly on what inspires my work as a whole, rather than the particular mini project I am doing for the Work in Progress Portfolio. I had to figure out and make clear what kind of photographer I am and what kind of images do I aim at (since there is some consistency in my work in terms of editing, composition etc, but I never really paid any attention to put this into words). So I started questioning myself what inspires me in the works of photographers I look up to and how can I incorporate some aspects of their approach into my work. Here are the results:

Critical contextualization of my work - inspiration talk - part 1 - local artists

Critical contextualization of my work - inspiration talk - part 2.1 - foreign artists close to home

Critical contextualization of my work - inspiration talk - part 2.2 - foreign artists far from home

I also tried to take the collaborations and promotion of my project further, this time trying to collaborate with local and international organizations (and individuals) that can help me to promote Culture Crossroads and see it done.

Contrary to what I thought at first, it seems much easier to communicate to international residents than to strike an agreement with local organizations. I am also thinking of getting some commercial benefit of Culture Crossroads but this is just at the drawing board stage.

Here is a list of posts related to marketing and promotion during this module:

Collaborations - a step further

WORK IN PROGRESS, project development AND THOUGHTS:

This module I had a very clear view of what I wanted to photograph - it was religious buildings. Figuring out how to photograph them turned to be a challenge. So here is a list of the posts that describe my work in progress portfolio develoment:

WIP develoment - part 1 - roaming around Sofia

WIP development - finding an approach part 1

WIP development - finding an approach part 2: when some of the images you have are good but clash with the theme

Project development - the context in photographs

Project development - finding the unseen angles

Project development - night VS day

Project development - style and editing

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Guardian of the past

Or what happens when you decide to edit an archive shot with the idea of showing that you are a better editor than your pervious...