Project development - inspiration, development and struggles

Here I will share my progress (at least supposedly so) of my project. So, on this page you can find all post related to my sort-of-research ('sort of' because it is rather fledging at the time) and everything related to it - my thoughts included. I will also post my struggles with keeping my work in progress portfolio in check (which, it seems, turned out to be a huge issue in terms of consistency)

Here is the project proposal of the big (or should I say 'huge') project I've been working on and off for the past 2 years (the whole idea crystallized during the application process for Falmouth though):

Culture Crossroads

You can find more about the project (and it's development) on it's dedicated Facebook page and blog.

Posts related to this topic (mostly to the development of a coherent portfolio at this stage)

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Guardian of the past

Or what happens when you decide to edit an archive shot with the idea of showing that you are a better editor than your pervious...