SURFACES AND STRATEGIES PHO703 17/18 Part-Time Study block S3

In this module I continued my work on Culture Crossroads. Unlike the previous module, when I knew exactly what I want and how I want it done, this time I was in two minds about the topic of my work in progress portfolio. In the end the GDPR directive eventually solved everything.

Still, the combined forces of travel, examinations (too long story to explain it here) and a lot of public holidays and family gatherings delayed the whole work with weeks if not months. However, one cannot go against one's culture so better late than never.


This module, the assignments were less than the previous time BUT this didn't mean it was any easier than the previous time.
the third one is this blog

RESEARCH and marketing: 

I am quite familiar with food photography, though in some limited way since I have never done something creative in that domain. Hence, I needed quite the inspiration to get past the stock site look and into something better. Not because I lack imagination but more likely because I need some push to be more adventurous. Truth be told, I am far from the risk-taking type. Wearing glasses all my life and having a very protective mother has done nothing to amend that so when it comes to experiments I am not usually the first person to stand up. However, I needed something better than just a menu-style images so I decided to give it a go.

One of the first things I needed to research was the still life techniques since I cannot call myself a still life photographer:

Project development - some research on the history of still life (part 1)

Side activities:

Being in and out of the country for a few weeks I missed a bit of the side activities. Still, concerning the workshops and lectures, I do have some experience and thoughts that I would like to share. Interestingly, I had some ideas that are quite independent from the activities at Falmouth (which I obviously missed) but since what I did and what it was expected of me are more or less with one and the same scope, I decided that it would be worth sharing my thoughts, regardless if I have done the things as a weekly challenge or have come up with the idea on my own.

Having made that disclaimer, here are the posts that are semi-related to these activities:


I had quite a hard time with my WIP this module. Not in terms of scope but style. Finding my signature style, that is and making it look interesting.

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Guardian of the past

Or what happens when you decide to edit an archive shot with the idea of showing that you are a better editor than your pervious...