Sunday 31 March 2019

Project information - twin YouTube channels

When I started studying at Falmouth, I already had a YouTube channel - this one: 

My personal photo channel where I upload all my Culture Crossroads and educational videos - address on the link above

Hence when I had to upload my first video presentation I was not exactly willing to display it on the channel I posted my other videos. Somehow that academic idea did not go well with my idea to have another channel for the academic videos only. I guess it is a bit late to clarify this BUT the Culture Crossroads videos do NOT go to the Falmouth YouTube channel (where the WIP videos and the Oral presentation videos are uploaded). 

My academic YouTube channel is almost empty because of the twin channels. I wanted to have only the Falmouth stuff in there and not to have my subscribers listen to my lame presentations, honestly speaking. 

The academic channel is available on this link: 

The two channels have different cover pages too, to keep them looking separate: 
My academic YouTube channel with all the Falmouth videos. 
So, if you would like to see how is my project going and what kind of videos I post, the first channel (which actually has subscribers) is the one you're looking for. 

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Guardian of the past

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