Saturday 27 April 2019

FMP - final - selection of material and size - motivation

From the very beginning I knew I was going to have an exhibition for my FMP at Falmouth. What I also knew was that I would need to go on a very tight budget. Having an exhibition here is a big thing hence the prices are nowhere near affordable. 

I needed to go for something light and compact (because once the exhibition is over, I would need to store them somewhere and transport them). Hence, as much as I wanted to have my work printed A2 size, I didn't have the money and the storage space to do so. 

After a consultation with the cafe owner and a few measures, I found out that the biggest canvas I can have was A3 size at most (it was a small space and if I wanted 18 panes, I would need to go small to put them all on the wall). 

The cheapest option I could find (that looked well, I mean) was foam board - easy to transport, durable, light and good-looking. I went for the smaller option to be able to store the panes easily and to hang them around the walls better. Hence I went for that option.

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Guardian of the past

Or what happens when you decide to edit an archive shot with the idea of showing that you are a better editor than your pervious...