Friday 24 August 2018

Marketing - looking for means to get money

Traveling is a costly business and the more I develop my project, the more it dawns on me that I will need more money to run it. So far, I use any opportunity to travel and store more images but that costs quite a lot. On the other hand, even as experienced as I am in promoting my work and using free tools to create content, paying for some services - such as a private domain for my website and some Facebook promotion for my most interesting posts as well as participation in photo contests with participation fee would enable me to reach out to more people. 

The first thing a friend told me was to set up a bank account and hand it around to wealthy people who could be potential sponsors at meetings. To do this, I need to create new business cards for my project (the logo is already created). 

Another thing I am considering is to add a PayPal donate button to my page, website and blog so that people can donate to keep the project going. I am also trying to get a job so that I can keep working on my project. 

Recently, I discovered the Patreon platform and have set up a page there so that people notice me and maybe donate some money to my cause. Here is a screen grab of how it would look like when published. 

I am holding the launch since it is vacation time and few people will notice it. Otherwise the page is approved by the admins. Another thing I plan is to record a welcome video for the page, describing my project and its aims and haven't made up my mind yet on what I want to put in that video. Hence, the Patreon launch will have to wait up till mid September. 

Another thing that would happen in mid September is that I have an arranged meeting with a lady that is interested in helping me out popularize the project. Will see how all these will turn out. 

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Guardian of the past

Or what happens when you decide to edit an archive shot with the idea of showing that you are a better editor than your pervious...